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Sunday, January 15, 2012

DIY: Bow Tie Onsies Tutorial, and My Epic Fail.

I have to say that this whole blog thing has been a complete failure to this point. For that, my sincerest apologies!! These last couple weeks I have had a lot on my plate and my blog, unfortunately, has taken a back burner in the infant stages. I hope and pray that it gets better as time goes on because I really like blogging and had about 5 projects lined up to show you all! Anyways...please be patient as I get my chaos in order.

With that said, I am SOOO excited about this tutorial! One of my close friends, Alexis, is preggers with a little baby boy, Noah, and we are just so happy for them! Alexis and her hubby, Tim, have been diligently praying and trying for a baby for about a long time (two years or so before getting preggers, if I'm remembering correctly) but because of some health things they were continually disappointed. But! I found out in the early fall that she was pregnant, and is now happily 7 months along and due March 17th. PTL! I cannot wait to meet little Noah :)

I have seen an idea for these on...Pinterest I believe...hm. Don't remember. Anyways, a lady sells them on Etsy and I saw them and knew that this would be a great thing to give Alexis and Tim. I knew they would appreciate them. Here is the finished product!

Adorable, right?!?

This is actually fairly simple, but just a touch time consuming. I guess it mainly depends how many bow ties you make and how fast you are with a needle and thread.

You'll Need:

Felt, your choice(s) of color(s)
Thread that matches felt

Approximate Time: 1.5 hrs

First off, figure out the size bow you want. I played around with sizes until I found one I liked and them made a template out of cardstock for both pieces. You'll need a rectangle for the bow and a skinny strip for the middle. Mine looked like this.

I will also give a quick disclaimer right now: I realize now that I should have photographed one of the lighter colored bows, but decided to do the brown. It's a little tough to see at points....sorry about that.

The larger rectangle is about 3" by 1.5" and the strip is about 2" by .5" but as I said, you will have to size them and play with them to find a ratio and size that works for you.

Next thing you want to do is fold the rectangle in half long ways, and then fold the sides down to create the bow shape. Then take your needle and thread of the matching color and tack the folds to make it easier.

Sorry, these pictures are super over-exposed. I'm batting zero with this blog so far, I guess...HA!

Once you have the folds tacked, take the strip and wrap it around the middle and tack that closed in the back, like so. Here's where I got smart and photographed a color that was easier to see...

Once you have that done, take the front of the snap and sew that on the bow, as centered as possible.

And that is it for the bows! Next thing you need is the onsies and white thread. Depending on how many bows and onsies you do, you will probably have extra backs to the snaps - I would hang on to those....because you just never know! But, you will need at least one for the front of the onsies. Center the snap a couple inches from the neckline (for comfort's sake) and sew that on. 

And then....you're done!

Can't you just imagine Noah with a little pair of slacks and a cardigan with this onsies! So handsome! I sewed six bows in various colors and two onsies with the back of the snaps so she had a couple...plus I have a plan for the other three that were in the pack! Will post that when I do them. :)

Of course, I had to capture me with the beautiful Mommy-to-be and her awesome onsies!!

And just a side note, is she not the cutest little pregnant woman you've ever seen?! She pulls of that bump so well. As an added plus, she was totally wearing a top that matched the bow she's holding. Come on......fate.

Well, I hope you like this one! I had an awesome time making these!! Please, send me your bow tie onsies at ariydesigns@gmail.com! I would love to see what you all do with it! Ta-ta for now...

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